Early Public Libraries and Colonial Citizenship in the British Southern Hemisphere: Atkin, Lara, Comyn, Sarah, Fermanis, Porscha, and Garvey, Nathan. Early Public Libraries and Colonial Citizenship in the British Southern Hemisphere. Palgrave, 2019. ISBN: 9783030204266.

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Early Public Libraries and Colonial Citizenship in the British Southern Hemisphere is a welcome addition to the study of library history focusing as it does on this often neglected and little explored area of research—that of public and community libraries of the former British colonies in the Southern Hemisphere. To date no comprehensive work has been written with a focus on these libraries and what has been written about them has been in the form of individual journal articles on specific events, individuals or topics, popular histories of major landmark libraries, national compilations such as Peter Biskup's Libraries in Australia (1995), or institutional histories such as Sue Reynolds' Books for the Profession (2012). This current book will go some way to filling a gap in our understanding of the history of libraries in this region.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)275-277
Number of pages3
JournalLibraries Culture, History and Society
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 01 Sept 2021


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