Effective Visualisation of Workflow Enactment

Yun Yang, Wei Lai, Jun Shen, Xiaodi Huang, Jun Yan, Lukman Setiawan

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Although most existing teamwork management systems support userfriendly interface to some extent, few of them have take into consideration of the special requirements of workflow visualisation. This paper realises the unique features of visualisation for run-time workflow, i.e., workflow enactment and execution.We present a detailed discussion of the emerging problems against the general aesthetic criteria for drawing the workflow layout. In order to support most essential workflow enactment facilities, the following three mechanisms are provided. Firstly, Sugiyama algorithm has been systematically incorporated into our prototype to create well structured workflow layout initially. Secondly, when the workflow process dynamically changes, we can adjust workflow layout by our force-scan algorithm to retain the mental maps created earlier among team members. Thirdly, we have also applied the technique of the fisheye view to offer a context focus mechanism for workflow users and to utilise the screen size more effectively.With these visualisation techniques, a better atmosphere may be facilitated for teamwork.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAPWeb 2004, Advanced Web Technologies and Applications, 6th Asia-Pacific Web Conference
Place of PublicationBerlin/London
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2004
EventAsia Pacific Web Conference - Hangzhou, China, China
Duration: 14 Apr 200417 Apr 2004


ConferenceAsia Pacific Web Conference


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