Effectiveness of Allied Health component of the Nursing and Allied Health Scholarship and Support Scheme (NAHSSS) 2011-2017: Final evaluation

Anna Moran, Susan Nancarrow, Kristy Robson

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report (public)

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This evaluation explores the effectiveness of a Commonwealth-funded allied health scholarship scheme, active for a seven-year period from 2010 until 2017, in regard to increasing the supply and retention of the rural and remote allied health workforce.The Nursing and Allied Health Scholarship and Support Scheme (NAHSSS) commenced in July 2010. The purpose of the NAHSSS was to consolidate a range of pre-existing programs to increase the supply and retention of Allied Health professionals in rural areas by promoting access to tertiary education, professional development and clinical placements for nurses and allied health students and professionals.The objectives of the NAHSSS were to:I. Increase the rural health workforce by facilitating the entry of jobseekers and youths interested in pursuing a career in nursing or the allied health professions;II. Facilitate the continuing professional development of nurses, midwives and Allied Health professionals; andIII. Encourage the pursuit of a health career in geographic areas and professions where there were identified shortages.The allied health component of the NAHSSS was administered by Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH) since 2010. NAHSSS scholarships were awarded to eligible allied health students and professionals between 2011 and 2017. Scholarships were awarded on the basis of geographic and profession-based health workforce shortages. Twenty-three different allied health professions were eligible to access the NAHSSS over the 7 year funding period.Since the inception of the NAHSSS, 4617 allied health students and professionals received scholarship support under the following categories:- The Undergraduate (Entry - Level) Scholarship Stream supporting rural-origin students to study a course that would lead to qualification as an Allied Health professional.- Postgraduate Scholarship Stream supporting qualified rural Allied Health professionals (Allied Health professionals) to study an accredited postgraduate qualification at a recognised university located in Australia.- Clinical Psychology Scholarship Stream supporting rural psychology graduates seeking registration with the Psychology Board of Australia to become endorsed clinical psychologists.- Continuing Professional Development Scholarship Stream supporting rural Allied Health professionals to maintain and improve their skills and knowledge in their clinical areas of practice.- Clinical Placement Scholarship Stream supporting rural-origin allied health students to undertake rural and remote clinical placements.At the time of this report, two recipients of NAHSSS scholarships are yet to complete their studies. All recipients will have completed their studies by December 2022.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAustralia
PublisherAllied Health Professional Workforce
Commissioning bodyServices for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health
Number of pages117
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jan 2022


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