Effects of the indole diterpenoid mycotoxin lolitrem B and its pathway intermediates on movement and metabolic status in a mouse model of perennial ryegrass toxicosis

Priyanka Reddy, Martin Combs, Simone Rochfort, Jane Quinn

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


The mycotoxin lolitrem B is found in endopyte-infested perennial ryegrass (L. perenne) present in around 90% of perennial ryegrass pastures in Australia and New Zealand. Ingestion causes a neurological syndrome in grazing livestock called Perennial RyeGrass Toxicosis (PRGT) (Cunningham, 1959; Combs et al., 2014) where clinical signs include hyperexcitability, muscle tremors, ataxia (“staggers”) and, in severe cases, clonic seizures and death (Combs et al., 2014). These neurological signs are thought to result from blockade of large conductance potassium channels (BK channels) by indole diterpenoid toxins, and primarily lolitrem B (Munday-Finch SC., 1997; Imlach, 2011). Despite much investigation, the relationship between systemic levels of lolitrem B and the presence or absence of its pathway intermediaries has not been well defined.To address this question, members of the lolitrem B metabolic pathway were isolated from infested perennial ryegrass, including lolitrem B, lolitrem E and two terpendole toxins B and E, and their effects of movement quantified. Metabolomic profiling of body tissues and fluids was undertaken using HPLC-MS/MS and Quantitative Time-of-Flight analysis (LCMS/MS-QToF). Animals exposed to pure isolated lolitrem B toxin showed a significant increase in tremor and ability to maintain stability during accelerated rotarod testing, other pathway members of the family showed little or no effect. Better characterization of clinical signs and metabolic changes associated with exposure to the family of indole diterpenoid toxins present in perennial ryegrass will provide useful information for generation of grass varieties with variations in indole diterpenoid toxin production.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Event36th Annual Meeting of the Australasian Neuroscience Society: ANS 2016 - Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart, Hobart, Australia
Duration: 04 Dec 201607 Dec 2016
http://aomevents.com/ANS2016 (Conference website)
https://www.ans.org.au/resources/past-ans-conferences/57-past-ans-conferences (Link to conference abstracts and posters)


Conference36th Annual Meeting of the Australasian Neuroscience Society
Abbreviated titleNeuroscience
Internet address


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