Efficient low bit-rate intra-frame coding using common information for 360-degree video

Fariha Afsana, Manoranjan Paul, Manzur Murshed, David Taubman

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


With the growth of video technologies, super resolution videos, including 360-degree immersive video has become a reality due to exciting applications such as augmented/virtual/mixed reality for better interaction and a wide angle user-view experience of a scene compared to traditional video with narrow-focused viewing angle. The new generation video contents are bandwidth-intensive in nature due to high resolution and demand high bit rate as well as low latency delivery requirements that pose challenges in solving the bottleneck of transmission and storage burdens. There is limited optimisation space in traditional video coding schemes for improving video coding efficiency in intra-frame due to the fixed size of processing block. This paper presents a new approach for improving intra-frame coding especially at low bit rate video transmission for 360-degree video for lossy mode of HEVC. Prior to using traditional HEVC intra-prediction,this approach exploits the global redundancy of entire frame by extracting common important information using multi-level discrete wavelet transformation. This paper demonstrates that the proposed method considering only low frequency information o fa frame and encoding this can outperform the HEVC standard at low bit rates. The experimental results indicate that the proposed intra-frame coding strategy achieves an average of 54.07% B Drate reduction and 2.84 dB BD-PSNR gain for low bit rate scenario compared to the HEVC. It also achieves a significant improvement in encoding time reduction of about 66.84% on an average. Moreover, this finding also demonstrates that the existing HEVC block partitioning can be applied in the transformdomain for better exploitation of information concentration aswe applied HEVC on wavelet frequency domain.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIEEE 22nd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing
Place of PublicationUnited States
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)9781728193205
Publication statusPublished - 2020
EventIEEE 22nd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing - Virtual workshop
Duration: 21 Sept 202024 Sept 2020
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/9287028/proceeding (proceedings)


ConferenceIEEE 22nd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing
OtherIEEE MMSP 2020 will be held on September 21–24, 2020. The workshop will be organised as a fully virtual event.

MMSP 2020 was to be held in the vibrant city of Tampere, Finland. Tampere is known for its active science and business community, nice location on a scenic spot between two great lakes, and world-class services for its citizens and visitors. It is a lively city, which welcomes millions of congress goers every year. Tampere is easily reachable by air, train and car and offers excellent hosting for any budget. We welcome you to visit Tampere when the situation allows it!

The workshop is 22nd in the series, organized by the Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS), with the aim to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry, passionate about multimedia signal processing, to share their knowledge, exchange ideas, explore future research directions and network.
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