Embedding continuous quality improvement processes in multidisciplinary teams in cancer care: Exploring the boundaries between quality and implementation science

Tracy E. Robinson, Anna Janssen, Pamela J. Provan, Paul Harnett, Kylie E. Museth, Danny J. Hills, Tim Shaw

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Objective. The aim of the present study was to identify key enabling factors for engaging multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) in cancer care across the spectrum of translational research and quality improvement (QI) projects.
Methods. The study was conducted in two large Sydney metropolitan hospitals. Qualitative methods, including structured observations of MDT meetings and semi-structured interviews with MDT leaders and champions, were used to identify how teams interact with and generate research and implementation initiatives. Enabling factors for and barriers to the engagement of MDTs in translational research and QI were identified.
Results. Four key enabling factors emerged from the analysis of data generated from observing 43 MDT meetings and 18 semi-structured interviews: (1) access to high-quality data around individual and team performance; (2) research active team leaders; (3) having experts, such as implementation scientists, embedded into teams; and (4) having dedicated research or QI-focused meetings. Barriers included a lack of time, administrative support, research expertise and access to real-time data.
Conclusions. The identification of enabling factors for and barriers to translational research and QI provides evidence for how multidisciplinary cancer care teams may best be engaged in research and QI that aims to improve service and care outcomes.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)291-296
Number of pages6
JournalAustralian Health Review
Issue number3
Early online date04 Jul 2016
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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