Empirijski metodi istraživanja primjenom qualitative komparativne analize (qca) i boolean algebre

Translated title of the contribution: Empirical research methods using qualitative comparative analysis (qca) and boolean algebra

Hazbo Skoko

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


In this article author builds the model of ICT adoption in Australian SMEs founded on premises that SMEs are the main economic developing factor in all modern economies and that the adoption and the use of ICT represents the fundamental source of competitiveness and the basis for their survival on the world market. The author, based on those premises, by applying the Qualitative-comparative analysis (QCA) method and its formal language - Boolean algebra develops the model of necessary and sufficient factors for adoption of ICT in SMEs.
Translated title of the contributionEmpirical research methods using qualitative comparative analysis (qca) and boolean algebra
Original languageOther
Title of host publicationBosniaks Academy of Science and Art - Monograph
Place of PublicationSarajevo
PublisherBosniaks Academy of Science and Art
Number of pages23
ISBN (Print)2303-7725
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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