Empowering learners: Providing meaningful feedback to improve feedback literacy and increase student retention

Sarah Teakel, Debbie Clatworthy, Erin-Rose Bradshaw, Jemma Galvin, Diane Middleton, Tara Johnson

    Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review


    ConferenceCSEdX 2023
    Abbreviated titleDeveloping Digital Literacy and Critical Thinking Skills in a Hybrid World
    OtherOur CSEdX Conference will be delivered online on 14-16 November 2023. Save the date in your calendars now so you don't miss out.

    The Charles Sturt EdX conference provides a forum for all Charles Sturt staff to engage in scholarly activity and share best practices that will positively impact our students' learning and teaching experience.

    This year, the Teaching Academy is leading the development and engagement of the Charles Sturt EdX conference, ensuring key themes and workshops are determined by our staff and aligned with our strategic direction. As a result, this year’s program will have a new look and feel! We will still meet over three half days to ensure that as many staff as possible can attend the conference.
    Internet address

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