Enabling the Voice of Children in Domestic Violence Service Provision

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstract


While domestic violence policy and service responses are to focus on the rights and needs of children in the service system, as a cohort, children continue to be overshadowed in the service system which can be perceived as more adult-centric. Forty-nine participants from five cohorts: mothers with experiences of domestic violence, domestic violence service providers, child clinicians, human research ethics committee members and domestic violence researchers were involved in a PhD study that explored the barriers and enablers to conducting domestic violence research with children. Findings indicate that the discourse relating to domestic violence, and how domestic violence is understood, along with service provision structures and systems, can inadvertently marginalise children in service delivery. Participants in this study also highlighted the resource barriers that exist which means service providers may not be able to specifically focus on children’s unique needs and circumstances. This paper offers some suggestions for enabling the voice of children in domestic violence research, policy, and service development processes. Adopting a child-rights focus and a trauma-safe approach are necessary first steps to safeguard children in these processes.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2021
EventStop Domestic Violence Conference - Gold Coast, Surfers Paradise, Australia
Duration: 01 Dec 202103 Dec 2021


ConferenceStop Domestic Violence Conference
Abbreviated titleDomestic Violence
CitySurfers Paradise
Internet address


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