Enacting the middle-ground: An approach using Indigenous sky stories

Nick Ruddell, David H. McKinnon

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Context – Indigenous Sky Stories – Investigating a cross cultural school science education program
Overview of Mutual Cultural Responsivity.
MCR–extended with illustrations of “what we did wrong” and “what we learned” turned into Awareness, Becoming and Being.
Examples of what emerged.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 23 Jun 2020
EventAustralasian Science Education Research Association 2020: ASERA 2020 - University of Wollongong
Duration: 23 Jun 202026 Jun 2020
Conference number: 51
https://conference2020.asera.org.au/node/6 (Conference abstracts)


ConferenceAustralasian Science Education Research Association 2020
Abbreviated titleCross Cultural Science Education
Last bit on ASERA 51
A reminder to all those who prepared pre-recorded talks for ASERA2020. You are the owner of this file, so you are encouraged to use it on your own website or in other promotions of your work. It is yours! And, last thing from ASERA2020, if you would like to have a ‘participation certificate’, please get in touch with convenor Wendy Nielsen ([email protected]).

ASERA 51 Online Conference 2020 - Program now live!!!
Dates of conference: June 23-26, 2020

ASERA members only. Log in to access conference materials.

This conference is open to all ASERA members to attend. Members need to be logged in to access the Conference through the menu link in the 'Members Area' and 'Members Only'

ASERA 51 Online Conference 2020 (update 14 June 2020)
ASERA 51, our very first online conference, begins Tuesday June 23 at 6-7pm (AEST) with the Welcome Reception. Plan to bring your favourite beverage (https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/cocktail). To attend the conference, your ASERA membership must be current. Then, visit the conference website where the program will go ‘live’ Friday June 19.

The program will include links to pre-recorded paper talks, paper and poster abstracts and zoom links to live interactive Q&A sessions. Join us for other live events too, including two symposia on STEM and preservice teacher education, ASERA 2020 AGM and the ECR Fireside Chat. We look forward to seeing you at ASERA2020, virtually, from Wollongong.
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