Ending ambivalence: Australian perspectives on stability in Asia

John Hardy

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review


A growing body of literature analysing Asia-Pacific security in the twenty firstcentury regards the ascendancy of regional powers a threat to the stability ofthe current regional security environment. However, a shift towardmultipolarity in the region need not necessarily be viewed as a threat. Theview that a relative decline of US primacy threatens regional stability is basedon an assumption that maintaining stability is the same as maintaining thestatus quo. This assumption mistakes the process of US security assurance forthe objective of stability in the region. Alternatively, Asian ascendancy maybe viewed as an opportunity to create a regional security community. Aconcept of regional stability that emphasises adaptation to Asiaâ''s new politicaland security realities will be used frame regional engagement as anopportunity rather than a threat. This paper will then substantiate theimportance of a regional stability concept by examining the elements of Asianemergence that are construed as threats to regional stability and discussinghow rising regional powers might be engaged as partners instead of potentialrivals. Perceptions of threat and partnership within the Asia-Pacific may havea significant bearing on regional engagement, cooperation and stability in thefuture.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationConference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia
Place of PublicationAustralia
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2010
EventASAA 18th Biennial Conference - Adelaide University, Australia
Duration: 05 Jul 201008 Jul 2010


ConferenceASAA 18th Biennial Conference


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