Espionage Black Book Eight: Industrial Espionage Explained

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Industrial espionage involves the theft or unauthorized access of proprietary information, strategies, or technologies belonging to a company, government agency, or non-profit organization. Understanding industrial espionage is, therefore, crucial so that these entities can protect their intellectual property, trade secrets, and confidential information.
Dr Henry Prunckun calls on his experience in the field of security as well as his research into the topic to highlight how such activities can have severe consequences for those targeted, including loss of competitive advantage, damage to reputation, financial losses, and in extreme cases, bankruptcy. He points out that industrial espionage can also have national security implications if it involves the theft of information related to defense or critical infrastructure.
This technical monograph will help readers understand the methods and motivations behind industrial espionage and how organizations can take steps to safeguard their sensitive information. Additionally, it can help organizations detect and prevent such activities and work with law enforcement agencies to hold perpetrators accountable.

Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationSouth Australia
PublisherBibliologica Press
Number of pages84
ISBN (Print)9780645620979
Publication statusPublished - 02 Feb 2024


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