Evaluation of Integrated Chronic Care pilot: Final report

Chris Maylea, Siobhán Bubner, Matthew Dale, Rory Randall, Caroline Johnson, Robyn Martin, Russell Roberts, Erin Myers

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report (public)

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This report presents the findings from the final evaluation of the Integrated Chronic Care (ICC) service, conducted by RMIT University’s Social and Global Studies Centre (SGSC). ICC is funded by North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN) and delivered by Neami National (Neami) and cohealth.
SGSC leads this evaluation in partnership with Equally Well, Charles Sturt University and Melbourne University.
Neami run ICC in Hume, Moonee Valley and Moreland Local Government Areas (LGA) and cohealth run ICC in Brimbank and Maribyrnong LGAs. Both ICC sites employ one registered nurse and one mental health peer worker, both on fractional appointments. Neami and cohealth have collaborated to commission this evaluation.
The evaluation is in two parts, a midterm review and a final evaluation. This report presents the findings from the final evaluation. Qualitative data have been collected using interviews and focus groups with people who have used ICC services, ICC staff and professional stakeholders. Neami and cohealth have provided limited quantitative data. Due to issues with the quantitative data collection, the evaluation adopted a case study methodology, constructing consumer profiles to illustrate typical and outlier experiences based on qualitative data. During the midterm review and the final evaluation the evaluation team consulted with 52 stakeholders in total (27 consumers, 2 carers, 10 ICC staff and 13 external professional stakeholders).
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMelbourne, VIC
PublisherRMIT University
Commissioning bodyNorth Western Melbourne Primary Health Network
Number of pages60
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2022


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