Examination of the mare for reproductive purposes

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Reproductive examinations are usually carried out in maresduring the breeding season to determine suitability forpurpose. Typically a routine examination for reproductivepurposes involves a visual inspection of the mare, followedby close visual examination of the external genitalia. Therectum of the mare is then evacuated of faeces to assistper rectum palpation and ultrasonographic evaluation ofthe internal reproductive tract (vestibulo-vagina, cervix,uterine body, uterine horns, and the ovaries). Dependingupon the results of this examination and the history of themare further tests or examinations may be undertaken.Further investigations associated with fertility and theBreeding Soundness Evaluation1, which may be includedin a pre-purchase examination, have been described2,3.However, what constitutes a pre-purchase examination forreproductive purposes has not been accurately defined,and there are no universally accepted standards forinterpretation of the results obtained3.A paper presented in this edition4, reports an innovativetreatment of vestibulo-vaginal varicosities in a mare. It isunlikely that a routine examination as described above,would detect these varicosities. The aim of this articleis to describe and discuss examinations that may beundertaken when assessing the suitability of a mare forreproductive purposes and to provide context for their use.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)37-42
Number of pages6
JournalThe Australian Equine Veterinarian
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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