Expanded allied health student training in rural and regional NSW: a social return on investment evaluation.

Melissa Nott (Presenter), Louise French, Chelsea Lander, Elyce Green, Natasha Brusco

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Background and aim: Twenty years ago, health professional student placements in rural and remote areas of Australia were identified as an important rural recruitment strategy and funding priority. Since then, there has been a growing body of research investigating the value, impact, barriers, and facilitators of student placements in rural and remote areas of Australia. In 2021, Charles Sturt University, Three Rivers Department of Rural Health (TRDRH), was awarded a Commonwealth Government grant to expand allied health student placements in rural and remote areas of NSW. The aim of this presentation is to outline the evaluative approach undertaken and to share early findings of the evaluation. Methods: A social return on investment analysis was undertaken. The TRDRH Program has expanded into the Forbes/Parkes/Lachlan local government areas of NSW during the calendar years of 2022-2024. Data collection to inform the social return on investment analysis included collecting program outputs, program costs, conducting surveys and interviews with students, host organisations, supervisors, and community members including First Nations peoples. The social return on investment analysis will quantify the “investment” required to implement the expanded allied health training program, as well as the “social return” on the program from the student, organisational, supervisor, and community perspective. The combined investment cost will be compared to the combined financial return. The analysis will take a societal perspective, including a 3-year time horizon, and all cost data will be presented in $AUD 2024/25. Results: At the time of abstract submission, data is being collected. Early evaluation outcomes will be shared. Implications: Should this evaluation demonstrate a positive social return on investment, alongside completion of the core project activity including additional health student placements, national scaling and implementation of the program should be carefully considered to realise the potential Australia-wide benefits. 
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 19 Nov 2024
EventWestern NSW Health Research Network (WHRN) Symposium: WHRN2024 Research Symposium - Dubbo RSL, Dubbo, Australia
Duration: 18 Nov 202419 Nov 2024
Conference number: 11
https://whrn.network/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/updated_v7_program-whrn2024.pdf (Program)


ConferenceWestern NSW Health Research Network (WHRN) Symposium
Abbreviated titleGrowing Sustainable Rural Health Research
OtherConference abstract booklet attached to PID 556364278
Internet address


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