Experiential learning in rural university-based cardiovascular screening clinic

Herbert Jelinek, Paul Warner

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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This study investigated the benefits of a university-based cardiovascular health researchprogram. It included hypertension (HT) assessment and the impact on nursing students interms of improving their knowledge-base with regards to cardiovascular health. Twenty-four nursing students were instructed on how to measure blood pressure, HT assessment and medication use. Complete data for blood pressure and self-reported use of atihypertensive medication was available for 681 individuals. Of these, 430 (63.1%) presented with HT, including 168 (24.7%) who knew of their HT and were on medication. Seventy-three (10.7%) were diagnosed with HT but not taking medication, and 43 (6.3%) were on antihypertensives but did not know the reason. An additional 146 (21.4%) had elevated blood pressure. Students reported enthusiasm for the program in that it provided a nexus between theory taught, clinical placement and research. They obtained additional expertise and a broader understanding of health issues and models to improve health care provision in cardiac health by attending the weekly clinic and participating in case review sessions with the clinic organiser. Our university-based initiative provides an opportunity for additional community assessment of blood pressure, further training for students and data for research.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMaking the connection in Health Sciences
EditorsIeva Stupans
Place of PublicationAdelaide
PublisherDivision of Health Sciences
Number of pages11
ISBN (Electronic)9781920927820
Publication statusPublished - 2008
EventTeaching and Research Conference - Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 08 Nov 200709 Nov 2007


ConferenceTeaching and Research Conference


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