Exploring 'homefulness': Hearing the lived experiences of older people with dementia

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


What is the essence of the meaning of ‘home,’ for people living with dementia, and how can this best be studied? A current doctoral qualitative study into the spiritual meaning of ‘home’ for older people living with early- to mid-stage dementia in the Australian community places emphasis on the value of listening to the stories, lived experiences and meanings held by older people. Using a phenomenological approach, in-depth interviews were conducted with eighteen participants diagnosed with dementia, ranging in age from 70 to 103. This presentation focuses on the chosen methodology, and consequent methods, used to explore the concept and meaning of ‘home,’ drawing on both participants’ words and the presenter’s reflections. It includes practical applications and examples of researching lived experience, and emphasises that only by listening to the voices of people living with dementia can we hope to understand the challenges and opportunities that exist in their lives.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 05 Jun 2023
Event10th International Conference on Ageing and Spirituality - Conrad Grebel University College, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
Duration: 04 Mar 202407 Mar 2024
Conference number: 10
https://uwaterloo.ca/ageing-spirituality/ (Conference website)


Conference10th International Conference on Ageing and Spirituality
Abbreviated titleChallenges and choices: Spirituality and dignity in later life
OtherThe conference theme, Challenges and Choices: Spirituality and dignity in later life, is an invitation to explore various issues within the scope of ageing and spirituality. We will focus on the contexts in which we find ourselves, generational perceptions of the reality of ageing, and where and how we find dignity in later life, dying, and death. Diversity, the role of the arts, and the potential of technology will also flavour our discussions.
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