Exploring the place of gender in social work: A national comparison between Australia, Ireland and Canada

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review


This research explores the extent to which gender is represented in documents pertaining to three national professional associations –Australia, Ireland and
Canada. As reflected in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, women and girls worldwide experience significant inequality compared to their male counterparts; social work has a duty to promote gender equity and empowerment. Using content analysis methods, this research examines the
frequency with which gender appears in foundational documents, such as national codes of ethics, professional practice standards and education requirements. Findings suggest that on the whole, gender is not represented as a core concern and that this is inconsistent with the degree to which gender inequity is a global issue. The authors discuss challenges for social work in advancing gender equity, including the resistance of dominant, oppressive
discourses and privilege. Recommendations involve the revision of foundational documents in order to guide an ethical practice approach for advancing gender equity, and making a concerted effort towards developing opportunities to increase the profession’s representation, leadership andsupport of women and children.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventJoint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2018 - Royal Dublin Society, Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 04 Jul 201807 Jul 2018


ConferenceJoint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2018
Abbreviated titleEnvironmental and Community Sustainability: Human Solutions in Evolving Societies
Internet address


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