Extraction and residual antinutritional components in protein fractions of Sinapis alba and Brassica napus oil-free meals

Siong Tan, Rod Mailer, Christopher Blanchard, Samson Agboola

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paper

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Proteins were sequentially extracted from Australian canola (Brassica napus) and mustard (Sinapis alba) meals and two industrial canola meal samples, according to Osborne method (OSB), based on their solubilities in water, 5% NaCl, 0.1 M NaOH and 70% ethanol. These extracts were then compared to the glutelin fraction obtained by direct alkaline extraction method (DIR) in terms of protein yield, recovery, and residual antinutritional components. The OSB method was found to be more effective for protein extraction which resulted in higher cumulative protein yield and recovery of water-soluble protein fractions, although the DIR method produced a glutelin fraction of higher protein content. Phenolic compounds were observed in all the extracted protein fractions although sinapine, the major phenolic compound in canola, was present only in the albumin fractions. The glucosinolate content of all extracts was below the detection limit of the method employed (<3 'mol/g). Residual antinutritional components in protein fractions extracted from S. alba meal were, in general, higher than those of B. napus meal.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationARAB 2011
Subtitle of host publicationCanola - Still the golden crop
Place of PublicationOrange, NSW, Australia
PublisherNSW Department of Primary Industries
Number of pages8
ISBN (Electronic)9781742562148
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Event17th Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas (ARAB) - Wagga Wagga, Australia
Duration: 15 Aug 201117 Aug 2011
http://www.australianoilseeds.com/conferences_workshops/ARAB/arab_2011 (Conference website)


Conference17th Australian Research Assembly on Brassicas (ARAB)
Abbreviated titleCanola...Still the Golden Crop
CityWagga Wagga
Internet address


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