Extraversion and neuroticism: Investigation of resting electrodermal activity

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In the same year that Eysenck (1967) published his biological account of extraversion, Claridge (1967) identified several problems with the theory. In addressing issues raised by Claridge, Robinson (1996) has detailed a promising modification to Eysenck's theory. Drawing on Robinson's theory it was hypothesised that differences in resting electrodermal activity would contrast extraverted-neurotics (low arousal) and introverted-neurotics (high arousal). The EPQ was used to identify four extreme groups of female participants: extraverted-stable (n=16), extraverted-neurotic (n=15), introverted-stable (n=8) and introverted-neurotic (n=16). EDA measures of SCL and NS-SCR were collected during two rest periods. Planned contrasts between the extraverted-neurotic and introverted-neurotic groups provided support for Robinson's theory on SCL but not NS-SCR. It was argued that the results for NS-SCR frequency could be accommodated by Robinson's theory if NS-SCR was conceptualised as a measure of cortical reactivity to unspecified stimuli rather than as a measure of tonic arousal.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)152-159
Number of pages8
JournalAustralian Journal of Psychology
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2008


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