Facilitating the upwards rotators of the scapula. A simple exercise

Tania Pizzari, James Wickham, Lyn Watson, Simon Balster, Charlotte Ganderton

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Scapula dyskinesia, characterised by droopingscapulae and reduced upward rotation, has been implicated in thepresentation of a number of shoulder disorders. Traditionally, inshoulder rehabilitation programs, the shrug exercise has been prescribedto strengthen the upper trapezius muscle and facilitateupward rotation of the scapula. The aim of this research was tocompare muscle activation levels during the standard shrug andthe upward rotation shrug in a normal and pathological population
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2013
EventASICS Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport - Hilton Arcadia Resort & Spa, Phuket, Thailand
Duration: 21 Oct 201324 Oct 2013


ConferenceASICS Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport
Internet address


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