Feasibility and potential benefits of the observe, reflect, improve, children’s learning (ORICL) tool: Perspectives of infant-toddler educators

Sheena Elwick, Sandie Wong, Linda Harrison, Kate Williams, Laura McFarland, Lysa Dealtry, Magdalena Janus

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This article discusses infant–toddler educators’ perspectives of using the Observe, Reflect, Improve Children’s Learning tool (ORICL) in practice. ORICL is a new tool informed by implementation science and co-designed with Australian early childhood education and care policy-makers, practitioners, and service providers. It aims to support infant–toddler educators to observe, reflect on, assess, and improve the quality of individual children’s learning experiences. Twenty-one educators working in Australian long day care and family day care services participated in the study, with a total of 66 ORICLs being completed for children ranging from 7 to 33 months of age. Educators also participated in an interview to share their experiences of using ORICL in practice. Findings show that ORICL enhanced educators’ understandings of infants’ and toddlers’ learning, development and wellbeing, and educators’ critical reflection. ORICL also helped educators to notice interactions, document and plan for children’s learning, and communicate children’s learning to others.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)203-216
Number of pages14
JournalAustralasian Journal of Early Childhood
Issue number3
Early online dateJun 2023
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2023


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