Fish-friendly irrigation pump screens: An in-depth assessment of NSW irrigators’ attitudes towards installation

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Fish-friendly irrigation pump screens can protect fish populations and deliver operational benefits to irrigation farmers. Despite the potential benefits, Australian irrigators have been slow to adopt the technologies and there is a dearth of empirical evidence which has attempted to explain this situation. Our study addresses this knowledge gap through in-depth, semi-structured interviews (n=28) and an online survey (n=120) with NSW irrigators. This mixed-method data collection procedure examined: (1) current pump screening experiences and fish-friendly screen awareness levels; (2) attitudes towards the environmental and financial benefits of fish-friendly screen usage; and (3) irrigator intentions to install fish-friendly screens. This analysis was informed by a blended theoretical framework which drew on the theory of planned behaviour, diffusion of innovations and constructivist grounded theory. The study revealed that most participants had little understanding of the impact of irrigation on native fish loss and knowledge about fish-friendly screens. Despite this, participants displayed high levels of curiosity, a desire to improve practices and work collaboratively with water and environmental authorities, government bodies, fishing groups and other river users. Therefore, with reliable information and support, the probability of widespread adoption of fish screens in Australia is relatively high.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 05 Oct 2022
Event2022 Virtual IASNR Conference - Online
Duration: 04 Oct 202206 Oct 2022 (Final schedule)


Conference2022 Virtual IASNR Conference
OtherOur annual meeting (the IASNR Conference) occurs every year in June. The IASNR Conference is a venue for presenting cutting-edge research and engaging in productive discussions focused on the sustainable management of natural and cultural resources.

Since its inception in 1986, the IASNR Conference has always had a broad focus that encompasses a wide variety of international resource management issues, environmental justice, collaborative stakeholder processes, and the social impacts of natural resource management.

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