Further accuracy verification of the 2D adaptive mesh refinement method by the benchmarks of lid-driven cavity flows

Rajnesh Lal, Zhenquan Li, Miao Li

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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The lid-driven cavity flow problem is a well-known test case in fluid dynamics for validating computational fluid dynamics (CFD) algorithms. Despite its geometrical simplicity, the liddriven cavity flow problem exhibits a complex flow regime, mainly due to the vortices formed in the centre and at the corners of the square domain. Consequently, this paper verifies the accuracy of a 2D adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) method in estimating the locations of the centre of vortices for a steady incompressible flow in a 2D lid-driven square cavity. We consider an initial coarse uniform grid mesh with a resolution of 20×20 and 50×50 for Reynolds number Re = 1000 and 2500, respectively and perform ten refinements. Our study reports the location of the centre of vortices obtained for Re = 1000 and 2500. The accuracy of the result is shown by comparing the coordinates of centres of vortices located by the AMR method with the corresponding benchmark results from four different literature.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the International Conference on Computational Methods
Subtitle of host publication15th ICCM. 16th-18th July 2024
EditorsG.R. Liu, Vu-Hieu Nguyen
Place of PublicationUSA
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2024
Event15th International Conference on Computational Methods 2024 - Virtual
Duration: 15 Jul 202418 Jul 2024
https://sci-en-tech.com/ICCM2024/ICCM2024%20Handbook.pdf (Handbook with program)
https://www.sci-en-tech.com/ICCM2024/ICCM2024-Proceedings.pdf (Proceedings)

Publication series

NameProceedings of the International Conference on Computational Methods
PublisherScientech Publisher
ISSN (Electronic)2374-3948


Conference15th International Conference on Computational Methods 2024
OtherThe ICCM is an international conference providing a forum for exchanging ideas on recent advances in areas related to computational methods, numerical modelling & simulation of manmade or natural systems, as well as their applications in engineering and science. It will accommodate presentations on a wide range of topics to facilitate inter-disciplinary exchange of ideas in science, engineering and related disciplines, and foster various types of academic collaborations.

The ICCM conference series were originated in Singapore in 2004, followed by ICCM2007 in Hiroshima, Japan; ICCM2010 in Zhangjiajie, China; ICCM2012 in Gold Coast, Australia; ICCM2014 in Cambridge, England; ICCM2015 in Auckland, New Zealand; ICCM2016 in Berkeley, CA, USA; ICCM2017 in Guilin, China; ICCM2018 in Rome, Italy; ICCM2019 in Singapore; and ICCM2020, ICCM2021 and ICCM2022 all virtual conferences; ICCM2023 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Chairman: Professor Vu-Hieu Nguyen (Universite Paris-Est Creteil, France)

Honorary Chairman: Professor G.R. Liu (University of Cincinnati, USA)

The ICCM Proceedings (papers only) will be published online permanently with an International Standard Serial Number of ISSN 2374-3948 at our website. All Presentations (abstracts and papers) will be published online at our website as well. All submissions will be given a peer review and the accepted submissions will be scheduled for oral presentations at the conference (normally 20 minutes for each person), except being requested for publication only. We will post the Presentation Schedule online one week before the conference.
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