‘Gedruckt in Samoa’. A bibliographic Analysis of the Samoanisches Gouvernements-Blatt and other Printing in German Samoa (1901–1914

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Germany was a relative late-comer on the colonial scene. While the impact and legacy of the German colonial experience in Africa, China and the South Pacific has been examined by historians, few studies exist which try to assess the nature of newspaper publishing in the German colonies. What exists are very general overviews or a well repeated discussion of a specific event, namely as the conflict between the press and the colonial administration in German East Africa. The Pacific has been ignored in this regard.The present study of the publication output of the Samoanische Zeitung breaks new ground in two aspects. It is the first of its kind dealing with the situation in the German Pacific, and it is the first of its kind that tries to look holistically at the entire publication output of a single publisher.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAlbury, NSW, Australia
Number of pages174
ISBN (Print)9781921220050
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2007


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