Habitat management to suppress pest populations: Progress and prospects

Geoffrey Gurr, Stephen D Wratten, Douglas A. Landis, Minsheng You

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

459 Citations (Scopus)


Habitat management involving manipulation of farmland vegetation can exert direct suppressive effects on pests and promote natural enemies. Advances in theory and practical techniques have allowed habitat management to become an important subdiscipline of pest management. Improved understanding of biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships means that researchers now have a firmer theoretical foundation on which to design habitat management strategies for pest suppression in agricultural systems, including landscape-scale effects. Supporting natural enemies with shelter, nectar, alternative preyhosts, and pollen (SNAP) has emerged as a major research topic and applied tactic with field tests and adoption often preceded by rigorous laboratory experimentation. As a result, the promise of habitat management is increasingly being realized in the form of practical worldwide implementation. Uptake is facilitated by farmer participation in research and is made more likely by the simultaneous delivery of ecosystem services other than pest suppression.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)91-109
Number of pages19
JournalAnnual Review of Entomology
Early online dateNov 2016
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jan 2017


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