Harnessing the document viewer for teaching challenging constructs: Approaching threshold concepts in pathophysiology and pharmacology

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review


Teaching involves the delivery of information through projection. A document camera (or doc viewer) is an educational tool that casts live images from the desktop. The doc viewer can facilitate ways to script, manipulate, and configure objects and ideas in real-time and enable the learning process to come alive. A worked example is included in this enquiry to explore the intrinsic challenges of threshold concepts within pharmacology and pathophysiology.
Intersection between educational delivery and threshold concepts
Pathophysiology and pharmacology are disciplines often considered by students in health sciences as difficult to learn and challenging to grasp the extensive medical terminology (Khurshid, Thompson, O'Connor, & Hegaz). This is also significant for educators to sustain student learning through the transition of threshold concepts within these disciplines (Nicola-Richmond, Pépin, Larkin, & Taylor, 2018). A working example of this encompasses the threshold concept of drug half-life. Scribing the characteristic components of drug half-life under the doc viewer enables the concept to progressively unfold in real-time and supports the learner through the threshold. This casting of learning content can be impactful and transformative during delivery and in student engagement.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 05 Jul 2023
EventThreshold Concepts 2023 - Charles Sturt University Port Macquarie, Port Macquarie, Australia
Duration: 04 Jul 202306 Jul 2023
https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https%3A%2F%2Fthresholdconcepts.home.blog%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2023%2F06%2Fc23_program-times-v2.xlsx&wdOrigin=BROWSELINK (Schedule)


ConferenceThreshold Concepts 2023
Abbreviated titleCreative Liminality and Unknowns: Stepping through transdisciplinary portals to transform the world and oneself.
CityPort Macquarie
Internet address


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