Health and democracy central concerns of a praxis of social transformation

Vagner Dos Santos (Presenter)

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 18 Aug 2022
EventInaugural World Occupational Science Conference 2022 - Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre, Vancouver, Canada
Duration: 18 Aug 202220 Aug 2022 (Published abstracts) (Abstract proceedings) (Program)


ConferenceInaugural World Occupational Science Conference 2022
OtherThe scientific program of the inaugural World Occupational Science Conference in its quality and diversity reflects the strength of occupational science around the globe as well as the theme of the conference ‘Occupation and Society: Global to Local Perspectives for the Future’. We would like to extend a huge thanks to the 36 members of the International Abstract Review Committee who evaluated the merit of over 220 submissions and to the members of the Scientific Committee who put together the final program based on those evaluations.

We are thrilled to have almost 150 oral presentations, poster, and dialogic sessions from occupational scientist scholars from 37 countries around the world on a diverse range of topics including decolonization, belonging, student education, LGBTQIA2S+, migration, occupational justice, transition, mobilities, design, non-sanctioned occupations, retirement, play, and oppression to name just a few. We are looking forward to rich and diverse discussions between us all throughout the days of the conference as we come together to celebrate occupational science and to look to the future.

We look forward to welcoming you to the conference and to Vancouver.
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