Health professionals’ perceptions of clinical leadership: A pilot study

David Stanley, Denise Blanchard, Amali Hohol, Marani Hutton, Anna McDonald

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Aim: To identify how clinical leadership was perceived by Health Professionals (HPs) (excluding nurses and doctors) and to understand how effective clinical leadership relates to initiating and establishing a culture of change and progression in the health services. Methodology: This pilot study used a mixed methods approach, although quantitative methodological principles dominated. An on-line (SurveyMonkey) questionnaire was distributed via email links to HPs throughout the Western Australian Department of Health. Qualitative data was analysed by Statistical Product and Service Solutions (Version 21). Results: A total of 307 complete surveys were returned. Participants represented 6.1% of the total WA HP workforce and a wide range of HP disciplines. The majority of respondents were female (86.5%), the median age was 38.9 years and the majority of respondents worked in acute hospital environments (59.9%) and in a metropolitan location (73.7%). Most participants (79.2%) saw themselves or were reportedly seen by others (76.2%) as clinical leaders. The main attributes associated with clinical leadership were; effective communicator, clinical competence, approachability, role model and supportive. The main attribute identified least with clinical leadership was “controlling”. Only 22.2% saw clinical leaders as managers, while the majority saw a clinical focus as important (85.3%). Clinical leaders were perceived as having an impact on how clinical care is delivered, staff support and leading change and service improvement. Many respondents (81.4%) suggested barriers hindered their effectiveness as clinical leaders. Conclusions: Improvements in clinical care and changes in practice can be initiated by clinical leaders.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1321193
Number of pages15
JournalCogent Medicine
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 24 Apr 2017


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