"Hiding in Plain Sight" LGBTIQA+ students' experience of inclusion in the healthcare curriculum in higher education settings

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review


One of the goals of entry to profession health care programs must be the ability for graduates to work with diverse populations, including gender and sexually diverse people. Whilst there has been some movement towards integrating gender and sexual diversity into the medical curriculum in recent years, other health care professions such as paramedicine, nursing, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and midwifery have been slower to respond in changing the curriculum. Whilst a failure to include sexual and gender diversity in the health care curriculum perpetuates the negative health care experiences and health outcomes experienced by gender and sexually diverse people, it also indicates to sexually and gender diverse students that they are not included, suggesting that they are not welcome. Given that approximately 11% of students aged 18 to 24 years identify as sexually or gender diverse, this is a significant number of students who feel excluded from the curriculum.

This presentation will present the findings form a mixed methods study across paramedicine, nursing, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy highlighting the experience of the sexually and gender diverse healthcare students and their experience of invisibility in the curriculum and their learning environment.


Conference20th Gender and Education Association Conference 2024
Abbreviated titleBe the change
CityPort Macquarie
OtherThe 20th Gender and Education Association Conference will be held at Charles Sturt’s Port Macquarie Campus in partnership with the Gender and Education Association (GEA). The conference will bring together education practitioners from all levels and backgrounds to increase diversity and inclusion in education, improving equal opportunities for all in 2024.

The event will explore local, national and global inequalities in education, breaking down the one-size-fits-all approach and analysing systemic and structural barriers that have led to disadvantage among different groups.

The conference theme of ‘Be the change’ aims to be a catalyst for discussion and action to address global and institutional inequality through the power of education and knowledge.

You will need to be a member of the GEA to attend the conference. Not a member? Please visit the GEA website http://www.genderandeducation.com/join to join.

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