Home among the gum trees: not necessarily so for silverleaf nightshade

Rex Stanton, Hanwen Wu, Min An, Deirdre Lemerle

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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Silverleaf nightshade is a widespread weed in south eastern Australia. Despite many years of use of synthetic herbicides, populations of this deep rooted summer active weed continue to pose a problem, with more infestations occurring. As part of an innovative management strategy, the phytotoxic potential of eucalyptus species was evaluated.Aqueous extracts were prepared from ground Eucalyptus spathulata, E. salubris, E. brockwayii and E. dundasii leaves. Germination of silverleaf nightshade seeds was significantly decreased by aqueous extracts from all species.Results suggest that compounds in the aqueous extract exhibit a phytotoxic effect on silverleaf nightshade seed germination. Further research is being conducted to determine the effect of these compounds on mature silverleaf nightshade plants. Phytochemical or possible allelopathic control of silverleaf nightshade may allow development of innovative new management options such as bioherbicides or use of agroforesty for weed management.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication16th conference proceedings
Subtitle of host publicationHot topics in the tropics
Place of PublicationBrisbane
PublisherQueensland Weeds Society
Number of pages3
ISBN (Electronic)9780646488196
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Event16th Australasian Weeds Conference - Cairns, Australia, Australia
Duration: 18 May 200822 May 2008


Conference16th Australasian Weeds Conference


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