Horses need physios too: Assessing quality of movement

Annette Bowen

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation only


3MT - three minute thesis
How and why I am creating a new assessment tool for quality of movement in horses.


ConferenceDocFest 2023 Graduate Research Conference
Abbreviated titleThe evolving researcher
CityWagga Wagga
OtherAs researchers we evolve over time - we learn new skills, broaden our thinking, and expand our horizons and networks.

The world in which we work is also evolving - in some ways we are more connected than ever and in others more disconnected, and the global challenges we face are many. Just as academic employment opportunities are becoming more limited and increasingly precarious, the opportunities outside of academia are growing and the skills you develop as researchers are more in-demand by industry, business, and the not for profit and public sectors than ever before.

At DocFest23 we explored how we as researchers can evolve to meet these challenges and much more!
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