How Kotter can help to end tent cities

Ann Dadich, Benedict Osei Asibey, Elizabeth Conroy

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review


Tent cities are part of the increase in homelessness in Australia and beyond. While tent cities offer a sense of community, they also pose health risks. Thus, they require solutions that balance community needs and tent city residents’ needs. This article describes the success of an interagency response to two tent cities. Data were collected from 18 professionals, using the e-Delphi technique, and analysed thematically. The findings point to the explanatory value of Kotter’s eight steps to lead change. These steps clarified how the projects supported tent city residents into housing and returned the sites to the community. This suggests Kotter’s steps represent a useful framework to guide interagency responses to address tent cities that are both time-limited and successful.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication34th Annual Australian & New Zealand Academy Of Management Conference:
Subtitle of host publicationBouncing Back: Innovative Management In Turbulent Times
Place of PublicationAustralia
Number of pages18
Publication statusPublished - 01 Dec 2021
Event34th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Managment Conference 2021: ANZAM 2021 - Virtual
Duration: 01 Dec 202102 Dec 2021 (Conference website) (Proceedings)


Conference34th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Managment Conference 2021
Abbreviated titleBouncing back: innovative management in turbulent times
OtherThe 2021 ANZAM Conference will be hosted by Edith Cowan University. This year we bring you an exciting virtual conference format with all of your favourite activities, and face-to-face keynotes across the regions leading up to the main event.
The Conference will start on Wednesday morning, 1 December and will conclude on Thursday, 2 December.
Our theme is “Bouncing Back: Innovative Management in Turbulent Times”, which speaks to the challenges of moving forward in today’s rapidly-changing business environment; reinventing how we can best navigate volatile and uncertain contexts, while staying mindful of the impact that our actions have on the future—the future of work, sustainability, and well-being.
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