HTAG – Australian and New Zealand University Health Clinics Consortium

Keri Moore, Louise Horstmanshof, Rachel Bacon, Cherie Wells, Andrea Bialocerkowski, Thomas Bevitt, Brooke Sanderson, Natalie Ciccone, Fiona Naumann

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Eighteen academics from sixteen universities who are directly involved in organising the education of pre-professional health, medical and nursing students in University Health Clinics (UHS) have met regularly for the past year under the ANZAHPE HTAG umbrella.

The objective is to investigate the extent to which university health clinics support students’acquisition of the desired graduate competencies. In particular, the objective is to strengthen the capacity of curriculum designers in health and medical programs to improve graduate outcomes from pre-professional educational activities undertaken in university health clinics. Through the symposia, we seek to discuss our activities and to gather input from our colleagues.

Our aim is to present our preliminary findings and considerations for discussion.
To this end, we invite senior clinical educationalists, from all disciplines, to confirm or refute our assumptions and to guide our Team as we add value in terms of our intended research activities.

Ideas for discussion:
Presentations during the Symposium will offer a working definition of a University Health Clinic and outline their unique features and educational opportunities. We will outline our list of current research priorities which includes: An exploration of the university health clinical educational environment; clinical and clinical education outcomes; patient case-mix; and quality assurance frameworks. Facilitated discussions will explore the extent to which stakeholders believe the educational opportunities available in UHC are being realised, add to our existing knowledge of enablers and challenges, stimulate interest in partnering or leading research.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventANZAHPE 2017 Conference : ANZAHPE 2017 - Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 11 Jul 201714 Jul 2017 (Conference website)


ConferenceANZAHPE 2017 Conference
Abbreviated titleTransitions
OtherThe Australian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE) is the peak organisation for practitioners involved in the education and training of health professionals in Australia and New Zealand. ANZAHPE (pronounced affectionately as "anza-pee") is comprised of clinicians, academic educators and students, and supports and advances education in the health care professions. ANZAHPE's core objectives are to :promote, support and advance education in the health professionsfacilitate communication between educators in the health professionspromote undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education and trainingrecognise, facilitate and disseminate high quality educational research in health professional educationbe the focal point for health professions education in western Pacific region. Previously known as ANZAME (Australian & New Zealand Association of Medical Education), ANZAHPE is now a truly multidisciplinary organisation, encompassing undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education and training. The Association facilitates communication between educators in the health care professions by providing a network and database of expertise, and collaboration and dissemination through its Journal and Bulletin. ANZAHPE promotes educational research and good practice through seeding grants, awards and conference presentations and through its peer-reviewed journal, Focus on Health Professional Education. The Annual Conference offers a forum for sharing of research, experiences and ideas towards the improvement of health professional education. Our network of education researchers contribute to the international evidence base for health professional education. ANZAHPE is managed by an elected Committee of Management.
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