Hyperplane Localisation of Self-Replicating and Other Complex Cellular Automata Rules

Antonio Lafusa, Terence Bossomaier

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


We study the regions of cellular automata rule-space in which interesting, so-called complex, rules arise. Particularly interesting structures are self-replicators, arising from initial random conditions. In order to find the critical region, we develop a parameterisation of the cellular automata rule-space. The results clearly identify an abrupt transition between order and chaos, in the proximity of critical parameters values, in which complex systems are likely to be found.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)
EditorsDavid Corne
Place of PublicationEdinburgh, Scotland
PublisherIEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)0780393643
Publication statusPublished - 2005
Event2005 World Conference - Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Duration: 05 Sept 200505 Sept 2005


Conference2005 World Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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