I am a person: How value sensitive design can better support caring relationships for people with dementia, interpreted through the lens of personhood

David Kreps, Oliver Burmeister

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This paper presents a conception of personhood as both physical and
social, and both as radically contingent upon their respective physical and social
environments. In the context of age-related cognitive decline, particularly dementia, it supports literature suggesting social personhood is occluded rather than deteriorating with brain function. Value sensitive design (VSD) applied to assistive technologies for people with age-related cognitive decline, has focused upon physical support. The paper concludes that issues of power must be grasped by those in VSD practice in order to reorient VSD in assistive technologies to also
support social personhood.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2-13
Number of pages12
JournalThe ORBIT Journal - An Online Journal for Responsible Research and Innovation in ICT Technologies
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 15 Apr 2019


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