Identification of two allelic forms of ovine CD4 exhibiting a Ser183/Pro183 polymorphism in the coding sequence of domain 3

R. Boscariol, J. Pleasance, D.M. Piedrafita, H.W. Raadsma, Terry Spithill

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    7 Citations (Scopus)


    The ovine CD4 cDNA sequence from four sheep sources (Australian Merino, Indonesian Thin Tail, Canadian cross bred, Prealpes du sud) predicts a protein of 455 residues with position 130 in the V2 domain exhibiting a W instead of C suggesting that, like the white whale, dog and cat sequences, sheep CD4 contains only two disulphide bonds. The sequence shows 73% amino acid identity and 83% nucleotide identity to a CD4 sequence from the white whale and significant identity to a partial sequence (314 residues) of bovine CD4 (87% amino acid identity, 93% nucleotide identity). Phylogenetic analysis showed that the ovine CD4 sequence forms a clade with the pig, white whale, dolphin, dog and cat CD4. Two forms of ovine CD4 were identified which differ by a single base pair (T/C) in their cDNA sequence at position 622. This polymorphism is also present in sheep genomic DNA in Hardy'Weinberg equilibrium, suggesting that at least two alleles of CD4 exist in the ovine genome with no selection for a particular allele. This polymorphism changes the first codon position of amino acid 183 and results in a Pro/Ser substitution in the N-terminal region of domain 3 of the CD4 protein.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)305-312
    Number of pages8
    JournalVeterinary Immunology and Immunopathology
    Issue number3-4
    Publication statusPublished - 2006


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