Identifying the motivating factors to promote socially responsible consumption under circular economy: A perspective from norm activation theory

Aqsa Sajjad, Qingyu Zhang, Fahad Asmi, Muhammad Azfar Anwar, Meena Bhatia

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20 Citations (Scopus)


Businesses have started to green-transform linear production operations by adopting innovative, responsive, and disruptive approaches under the circular economy. This transition requires appreciation and high acceptance by consumers to promote circular products for steady sustainable production and societies. The current study proposes dynamic socio-psychological, motivational, and contextual factors grounded in norm activation theory to investigate the consumers’ cognitive positioning to buy circular products. The empirical results are based on 994 consumer responses from China. The study supports the path suggested by norm activation theory, where alternative routes along with additional contextual factors significantly explain circular product buying. Environmental CSR initiatives, perceived consequences, and consumer green innovativeness significantly influence personal norms and green self-identity. Personal norms explain circular product buying more than green self-identity from the proposed paths. Green values strengthen the relationship between personalnormsm, green self-identity, and circular product buying. The study provides emphasizes to incorporate identity based activators along with ethical activators. Practical insights are provided for businesses promoting responsible consumption under the circular economy.
Original languageEnglish
Article number103544
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Early online dateSept 2023
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2024


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