Illusion & delusion: Living in reality when inventing imaginary worlds

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Oscar is an 18-year-old Australian high-school leaver who loves animation and aspires to work for Pixar. He is an amalgamated construct of 8-years of anonymised applicant data from Charles Sturt University’s Animation & Visual Effects program and represents the typical age, gender, and most cited rationale for a first-year studying the discipline. Oscar is heavily influenced by flattering depictions of celebrated artists featured in Behind the-Scenes documentaries, books, online profiles and growing cult-like fan bases. An avid movie viewer, he recognises the All-Time International Box Office is dominated by 68 visual-effects driven films, 9 ‘invisible’ visual-effects movies, and 23 fully-animated features.1 From age 10, his worldview of cinema has been fundamentally shaped by bombastic images from the top grossing 2007–2015 US Box Office.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)73-79
Number of pages7
JournalRENDER Journal
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2015


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