Imagining and imaging: Creativity in qualitative research

    Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter


    Writing Qualitative Research on Practice brings together key authors in the field of qualitative research to critique current trends and expand discourse about the challenges and practices of writing qualitative research. This book is located in the context of professional practice and the practice world. It scopes and maps the broad horizons of qualitative research on practice and explores writing in major qualitative research traditions. A key issue addressed in writing qualitative research, particularly the narrative forms, is finding a way to write that encapsulates the goals and genre of the research project. Writing is presented as a process and journey and also a way of thinking and creating knowledge. Within research, writing is an essential expression of the research frame of reference and a key element of the research genre. This book explores writing for a range of publications including books, chapters, theses and papers for journals. The practical and accessible style of this book makes it an invaluable resource for postgraduate research students, teachers and supervisors and scholars of qualitative research.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationWriting Qualitative Research on Practice
    Place of PublicationRotterdam, The Netherlands
    PublisherSense Publishers
    Number of pages12
    ISBN (Print)9789087909062
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


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