Impact of a hypotension treatment algorithm in dogs undergoing general anaesthesia for desexing surgery

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review


Research hypothesis or clinical question
Does an algorithm to guide treatment of hypotension during anaesthesia reduce the duration or severity of hypotension?

Hypotension is a common and life threatening anaesthetic complication in dogs. Multiple treatment options are described however there is limited evidence to guide treatment selection. Prompt use of appropriate treatment may enable more rapid blood pressure control. We developed an algorithm for guiding treatment selection including fluid therapy and pharmacological interventions.

Materials and Methods
A retrospective before and after study was conducted in dogs undergoing desexing surgery in a university teaching hospital. Anaesthetic records for the two year periods before and after the algorithm was introduced were searched. Inclusion criteria were undergoing surgery within the time periods and had blood pressure recorded. Data extracted included signalment; pre-anaesthetic tests; drug doses; anaesthetic duration, interventions for hypotension; mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate and temperature. Complications between the two time periods were compared.

Before period included 72 dogs and the after period 81. Pre-anaesthetic findings and anaesthetic management were the same between periods. Hypotension occurred in 60% of before and 62% of after cases. Hypotension duration was 40.2 ±25.2 and 22.9 ±16.9 min (p=0.0001) and lowest MAP was 45.8 ±8.2 and 50.8 ±5.8 mmHg (p=0.007) before and after respectively. Hypothermia was less severe in the after period (p=0.033). Algorithm use was associated with more frequent atropine use and less intravenous fluid use.

Discussion and Relevance to Australian clinical practice
Hypotension algorithm use significantly reduced severity and duration of hypotension. The algorithm could be used by veterinarians to improve outcomes for any dog undergoing elective surgery.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 27 May 2024
EventAustralian Veterinary Association Annual Conference 2024: AVA Conference - Melbourne Convention Center, Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 27 May 202431 May 2024


ConferenceAustralian Veterinary Association Annual Conference 2024
Abbreviated titleLiving Well - taking care of yourself and patients with chronic conditions
OtherThe new look AVA Conference features a streamlined format, a renewed focus on research, environmentally sustainable video proceedings and so much more. The AVA is listening to members and stakeholders and the conference redesign has incorporated both delegate and sponsor feedback.

We are collaborating with the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS) to bring you the most up to date veterinary research with the inaugural AVA Conference Research Day. The THRIVE Veterinary Wellness Symposium was such a success last year it will be extended to a full day of thought-provoking wellness topics based on the program’s 3 pillars - Promote, Prevent and Protect. These events will be held on Monday 27 May and our Special Interest Groups will hold workshops on Friday 31 May.

The 2024 AVA Conference theme is ‘Living Well’. The scientific program will run from Tuesday 28 to Thursday 30 May, with the topic-based program focussing on improving the quality of life for animals with chronic conditions and enhancing veterinary practice to help veterinary professionals achieve longevity and satisfaction in their careers and life.
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