Impact of drainage investments on poverty alleviation in Pakistan

A S Qureshi, M Akhtar, Muhammad Asghar

    Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review


    Over the last fifty years, huge investments have been made in the drainage sector of Pakistan to lower the watertable to overcome waterlogging and associated soil salinity problems. These investments include construction of 15,000 kilometers long surface drains, installation of 14,000 deep public tubewells and more than nine subsurface horizontal pipe drainage projects. These projects were targeted to reduce poverty in the rural areas through improving land degradation and increased crop production. The impact of these projects is usually evaluated by estimating the areas reclaimed and no real attempts have been made to evaluate their impact on the improvement of socio-economic conditions of the people living in the affected areas. The analysis revealed that these projects have contributed substantially in improving land conditions, which in turn has enhanced the agricultural productivity; thereby increasing farm incomes. Resultantly, in waterlogged and saline areas, the head count poverty has decreased from 20% to 14%. The study suggests that for the more comprehensive evaluation of these drainage investments, all physical, technical, social and environmental benefits should be taken into consideration.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationIDW9
    EditorsC J de Zeeuw, W.F. Vlotman
    Place of Publicationthe Netherlands
    Pages128 & CD
    Publication statusPublished - 2004
    Event9th International Drainage Workshop - Utrecht, the Netherlands, Netherlands
    Duration: 10 Sept 200313 Sept 2003


    Workshop9th International Drainage Workshop


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