Impact of red and white wine macromolecules on the removal of copper(I) sulfide by membrane filtration

Nick Kodoudakis, A. Mierczynska-Vasilev, Anque Guo, P Smith, Geoffrey Scollary, E.N Wilkes, Andrew Clark

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review

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Recent work has shown that sulfide appears to interact more strongly with copper (Cu) in wine than other likely copper-complexing species [1-2]. In low oxygen conditions during bottle aging, the total copper concentration in wine has been linked to increases in the hydrogen sulfide concentration, as well as other volatile sulfur compounds, a process contributing to the reductive development of wine [3]. A portion of the hydrogen sulfide that accumulates in wine during reductive aging has been attributed to release sulfide from sulfide-bound Cu in low oxygen conditions although to date, the exact mechanisms of release remain to be established [3-4].

This study investigated removal of sulfide-bound Cu from red and white wines by different membrane filter media and the influence of wine matrix on sulfide-bound Cu filterability.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventMacrowine 2018: Macrowine 2018 - Hotel Palafox, Zaragoza, Spain
Duration: 28 May 201831 May 2018


ConferenceMacrowine 2018
Abbreviated titleMetabloites and macromolecules which make wine
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