Impact Study of Online Assessment Methods Facilitating Blended Learning towards Inclusion and Equity

Arifa Rahman, ASM Shihavuddin, M M Mahbubul Syeed

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review


The use of information technology in evaluation in diverse fields, including educational assessment, is referred to as online assessment, alternatively known as digital assessment, e-assessment, electronic assessment, or computer-based assessment. However, online education has become a major debate due to the challenges and credibility of online assessment in Bangladesh in terms of inclusion and equity. According to the findings of recent studies, students' overall opinion of e-assessment is moderate, and this attitude varies depending on their gender, academic level, the field of study, and economic position. Those factors create a barrier to ensuring inclusion and equity in education including assessment. Though, COVID, according to their remarks, was a crucial factor in enhancing their interest in e-assessment. Still, several findings suggest that teaching and learning in a hybrid or blended learning environment necessitate the development of appropriate and effective assessment practices in order to improve students' learning and provide positive feedback in an inclusive setting. An explanatory mixed-method study will be carried out on tertiary level students in Bangladesh through SRS. The findings will help us to advocate for the widespread acceptance of inclusive blended learning at the tertiary level education and policy level adaptation, creating certain and sustainable e-assessment strategies and pathways.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 20 May 2022
Event6th International Conference on Equity and Inclusion in Education - Asian Centre for Inclusive Education, Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Duration: 19 May 202221 May 2022


Conference6th International Conference on Equity and Inclusion in Education
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