
Pakistan’s 210 million people rely heavily on agriculture, which accounts for over 90 percent of the country’s water consumption. Development, climate change and population growth is putting pressure on water supplies. Surface water supply is highly variable, and dependence on groundwater has rapidly increased. Continuous decline in groundwater quantity and quality is undermining livelihoods, especially of poor smallholder farming families. Collaboration among people with an interest in water, agriculture and human dignity is needed to rapidly address the challenge of pursuing productive and sustainable groundwater use. Our ACIAR funded project is part of the Australia Water Program in Pakistan. It aims to encourage and enable collaboration to address the complexity of achieving effective and fair groundwater management, and uses six in-depth case studies across three provinces in Pakistan. Through a focus on partnerships it is building capacity of researchers, farmers, farming communities and relevant government and non-government agencies. Building capacity means building skills, knowledge, networks and confidence. As we reach the end of the project we see that partnerships are consolidating. For example, provincial agencies, universities and other partners are collaborating to investigate social, economic and technical aspects of groundwater management in each case study. Stakeholder forums have been established with all six case study communities to co-design research interventions, with representation from relevant government and non-government organisations, farmers’ organisations and progressive farmers. The stakeholder forums are beginning to comment on outputs and guide research and extension. Small steps maybe, but steps toward working together for a fairer future.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 27 Nov 2020
EventResearch for a Changing World: ILWS Online Conference 2020 - Online
Duration: 26 Nov 202027 Nov 2020
https://www.csu.edu.au/research/ilws/engagement/events/ilws-conference-2020 (program and abstracts)


ConferenceResearch for a Changing World
OtherThe Institute’s first-ever on-line conference has been hailed as a “resounding success.” The free conference, which was held November 26 and 27, 2020, was an opportunity for members to share the results and conclusions from recent projects
and activities and to showcase the work of our strong research teams.

The presentations represented all categories of Institute membership – Full Member, Associate Member, Adjunct and Student. There were also two presentations by undergraduate students associated with the Institute.

The Conference is free and open to everyone.

The program reflects the multi and trans-disciplinary research ethos of ILWS.
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