Incentivising aged care workers in rural and remote areas to ensure care needs are met in regional Australia: Rural and remote aged care workforce.

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation only


The challenges facing rural aged care facilities and service provision differ from those in metropolitan areas. What are the solutions that fit with the rural situation?
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 16 Nov 2022
EventAged Care Workforce Leaders Forum Australia: Tracking progress on fulfilling the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety - Accor Stadium , Sydney, Australia
Duration: 15 Nov 202216 Nov 2022


ConferenceAged Care Workforce Leaders Forum Australia
Abbreviated titleImproving Workforce Attraction, Retention, Wellbeing, Safety, and Fulfillment
Otherou will not have missed the Federal Government’s recent commitment to a significant wage increase for aged care workers. This is a major and long overdue step towards addressing current workforce shortages.

But there is much more to the so-called “Great Resignation”, and its potential antidote, than just pay. To this degree, providers and their partners have significant power to influence the future aged care workforce.

On-the-job training opportunities, workforce culture, CALD staff onboarding, recruitment strategy, EVPs, and digital technology adoption are just some of the areas the providers can influence to create a more attractive and nurturing work environment across residential, home, and community care.

The Aged Care Workforce Leaders Forum is an event that presents the most exciting workforce innovations being led by providers on the coalface of aged care, as well as the latest updates from government, academia, and the aged care vendor market. If you are in aged care and are passionate about reducing staff pressures, strengthening workforce culture, attracting highly capable and skilled talent, and providing the highest quality care to clients, then you cannot miss this Forum.
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