Inclusive practices in mathematics education

Rhonda Faragher, Janelle Hill, Barbara Clarke

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter

6 Citations (Scopus)


Inclusive mathematics education acknowledges human diversity and involves supporting the diverse learning needs of all students in general mathematics classrooms. In this chapter we review Australasian research concerning the various categories of diversity using the three themes of our framework: Access to the curriculum through policies and leadership practices; Diverse approaches to learning mathematics; and Teaching approaches for inclusion. Our analysis of the literature explored commonalities in research approaches and issues across the field. Our framework deliberately avoids reviewing literature under categories of diversity which would only serve to further segregate. Our review focused on issues arising in the teaching and learning of mathematics and the policies and practices that enable those endeavours. We were unable to identify any research that indicated some groups of learners needed to be taught away from other students. Those strategies or techniques needed for some could be used to enhance the learning of all. Following our review under the three themes, we propose areas of needed research and encourage mathematics education researchers in our region to further develop this field.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationResearch in Mathematics Education in Australasia 2012-2015
PublisherSpringer Singapore Pte Limited
Number of pages23
ISBN (Electronic)9789811014192
ISBN (Print)9789811014178
Publication statusPublished - 01 Jan 2016


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