Information resource description: Creating and managing metadata

Research output: Book/ReportBook

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The introduction of RDA and the semantic web are significantly changing information organization. This book covers traditional, domain-specific practices as well as metadata's broader approach. Key topics include: information resource attributes; metadata for information retrieval; metadata sources and quality; knowledge organization systems; the semantic web; books and e-books, websites and audiovisual resources; business and government documents; learning resources. This book also examines the introduction of RDA, the integration of library cataloging with the semantic web, and pays specific attention to increasingly prevalent digital practices. This is a vital book for information professionals learning to apply the most current metadata tools and skills in practice. It is also essential reading for LIS students taking information organization courses
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherFacet Publishing
Number of pages220
ISBN (Print)9781856046671
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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