Innovations in the management of grapevine trunk diseases

M.R. Sosnowski, M.R. Ayres, Regina Baaijens, Sandra Savocchia, T.J. Wicks, E.S. Scott

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paper


The grapevine trunk diseases eutypa and botryosphaeria dieback contribute to grapevine decline worldwide, reducing vineyard productivity
and longevity. The causal fungi infect vines through pruning wounds and colonise wood, causing dieback and eventual vine death and, in the
case of eutypa dieback, stunting and yellowing of shoots and leaves. Due to the predominance of susceptible cultivars and ageing vineyards,
trunk diseases are becoming more prevalent in Australia, threatening the wine industry which contributes $40 billion to the Australian
economy. Innovations in the management of trunk diseases are providing positive outcomes for the long-term sustainability of the industry.
Cultural practices, such as the timing of pruning to avoid rainfall, can reduce the likelihood of infection, and disease control can be achieved
both preventatively (through pruning wound treatment) and curatively (by remedial surgery). Removal of infected wood allows vines to be
rejuvenated, taking advantage of established root systems to return to full production within a few years. Early adoption of preventative strategies to protect pruning wounds from infection is critical to managing trunk diseases effectively into the future. Paints and pastes are registered for protection of large wounds made during reworking, along with fungicide and biocontrol products for spray application to annual pruning wounds. The timing of application of wound treatments is a major focus of current research which, together with knowledge being generated on inoculum dispersal, wound susceptibility, sources of disease tolerance in germplasm and the effects of water stress, will contribute to sustainable management of grapevine trunk diseases for vineyard longevity
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication16th Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference (AWITC 2016)
EditorsK.S. Beames, E.M.C. Robinson, P.R. Dry, D.L. Johnson
Place of PublicationUrrbrae, South Australia
PublisherWinemakers' Federation of Australia
Number of pages5
ISBN (Print)9780987048097
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Event16th Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference (AWITC 2016) - Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 24 Jul 201628 Jul 2016 (Website) (Proceedings)


Conference16th Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference (AWITC 2016)
OtherThe 16th Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference and Trade Exhibition was conducted from 24-28 July 2016 at the Adelaide Convention Centre. Attendee numbers were the highest (>1,100) since the 2007 Conference in Adelaide, with the overwhelmingly positive feedback received to date indicating that all found the event to be a great success.
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