Intelligibility in spoken and signed languages

Kate Crowe, Marc Marschark, Sharynne McLeod, Dawn Walton

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Conference5th International Conference on Family Centred Early Intervention for Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Abbreviated titleDeaf Children, Families and Services: Embracing Diversity for Brighter Futures
City4820 Bad Ischl
OtherPlease join us once again in beautiful Bad Ischl in the Austrian Salzkammergut to celebrate 10 years of FCEI at the 5th International Conference on Family-Centred Early Intervention for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children and their Families. The unprecedented circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic have caused upheaval across the world and prevented our coming together in 2020. We are thrilled to be back!

Honouring our original aims for 2020, the conference will focus on Diversity, in all the different ways we experience it in our field: in the children themselves with the huge variation in their strengths and needs; in parents and families and the different circumstances in which they raise and support their children; and in the diversity of ways in which services are provided and families are served in culturally sensitive contexts.

We are pleased to welcome a wide range of international keynote presenters, bringing their experience and expertise as parents and professionals, both Hearing and Deaf, who are engaged in research and evidence informed service innovation:

Shelia Moodie (Canada)
Jesper Dammeyer (Denmark)
Amber Joy Martin (US)
Kirsten Smiler (New Zealand)
Djenne Amal Morris (US)
Susan Wiley (US)
Christie Yoshinaga-Itano (US)
Paula Pittman (US)
Nicole Schilling (DE)
The 5th International FCEI Congress will once again not only offer the opportunity to enhance knowledge and practice, but also to network, to meet old friends and colleagues and to make new ones, in a truly collaborative and Covid-careful environment. Please join us!
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